yeah hi, its been a while.
check out this site.... penguin cafe orchestra-----> amazing music.... http://www.penguincafe.com/home.htm --big shout to our amazing non-drawing art teacher bruno for introducing them to us this year inthe music class, Bruno degazio you rawk!
other than that, been trying to figure out caricatures. Really derive a lot of influence from joe bluhm (link at right). I love his structure, and how easy he makes his stuff look. if anyone's got any incite on how to draw caricatures let me know, cause I'd love some tips. CRITIQUE AWAY!
the colour bit is a dismissed concept for my final film, but seing as it's bad homage to mario brothers, I figured I'd post it ... suffer all 'ye.
rammble mumble rammble
Top left sketches are really cool!
Nice work.. They'll be lots o' tourists to practice your caricature chops on soon.. the waterfront gets pretty packed over summer.
Awesome stuff and thanks for the drop in hope your kool take care!!!
nice little blog and sorry im so late getting here, shit, even jason got here before i did, wow, i must be very very slow. and you wnat to check out some more good music to liste to while sketchin teh PEI folk, just wander over to my desk id be happy to spread the word!
Love the collection of drawings!! That little girl is very cute, nice little story moment!
That's so kind of you. I think your design sense is solid. Keep drawing every day, and practice portrait-like renderings to understand the structure and (more importantly) exaggeration. Small steps is the way to go, and it becomes easy. I recommend taking a summer job as a caricaturist in a theme-park. It's the best school you'll ever go to, if you push yourself every day to get better.
Keep rockin.
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