Monday, September 25, 2006

the fluffy zombies

this is a taste of my film. It's gonna have zombie animals in it.


Sam said...

oh man, I love it!! I have a cousin that named all her hamsters the same name with different variations and then killed them off one at a time. :D Anyways, I love their zombie expressions. Ice cream some time for sure!!! mmmmm

Unknown said...

lol... very cool. looking forward to seeing more

Dan Elder said...

Sweet.. great little zombies... im wokring on happy tree friends right now... if you need any avice on hwo to kill little animals I can be your guy..

Robin said...


Anonymous said...

hell yes! a zombie animal movie can't go wrong. i just watched a movie yesterday with a zombie RAT in it.
how are you these days anyway?
thanks for visiting the ol' blog space too.

Trev said...

i like these, really funny drawings

Scott Wright said...

Super funny....made my morning!

Kyle Marshall said...

haahaha, these are really good kelly, nice water colors

TCBunny said...


kelly erwin said...

thanks guys!!!!


lol! great sketches! keep them coming!

Jason Gerardus Teeuwissen said...

zombies are sick and zombie hampsters are even better! I can't wait to see you film

Troy Little said...

This is great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Niceeeeeeeeeee fluffy zombies