Friday, November 03, 2006

Leonard Nimoy Bilbo Baggins


Sam said...

hahaha this brings back fond memories of PEI for me. I guess it's because when I saw it that's where I was :D Ahhh, those were the days.... Churchills and Cows.....

kelly erwin said...

yeah, it definitly does bring back memories!!!

Peaks... quay!!! ohhh man. Hell... ocean.

Erica Pitt said...

AHahhahahaah.......OH Nimoy.......

Jo Bling said...

That's a thing of great beauty, gets me every time. Groovy blog from an English fan of Butchers.....


Jason Gerardus Teeuwissen said...

oh god... i think i almost died of laughter

Anonymous said...

great stuff here. that was refreshing.