Monday, January 22, 2007

it's sure not christmas anymore...

here's some stuff I've been up to.

a doodle, a maquette, life drawing and... the pretty pretty sky.

I got some influence from Aurelie Blard-Quintard for my character design for Matthew.
the life drawing is from the last portfolio. And the picture is from my appartment window.


Sam said...

Great work Kelly! The life drawings are awesome!! And the maquette... and the sketch of Patch... and the photo too!! :)

h__z said...

hey kelly. have i really never commented on your blog? nice stuff btw, especially the kid, i really like his design. you really captured the look of those kids who would have said "gee whiz" or "golly" decades ago. anyway, go finish your film.

Kyle Marshall said...

shit, nice work. That sculpture looks great and i love the dog.

Cookedart said...

Love the life drawings in particular kelly - really strong work!

Make sure you keep it up if you can find the time!

Joel Beaudet said...

nice maquette!