These pic's are all in the few sketchbooks I've filled since I've been here, loads of time to draw. And by loads of time I mean, no... life.
*edit- kk I forgot to say a few things when i first posted this. I call this: Impressions of vancouver. Vancouver is a beautiful place, and I feel pretty fortunate to come out here for my first job. Its gotta lot of natural beauty with the mountains and what not,(getting lost on grouse mountain really allows you the oppertunity to "experience" natural beauty in its most... naturalness (and another excuse to buy new pants) and there's never a shortage of people to draw (like the first month and a half in Charlottetown). But the thing I like the most is the alley ways, and the bus rides to work everyday. There's never a shortage of characters to inspire (or alarm).
Hey Kelly - thanks for stopping by my blog :)
These drawings are looking great. It's funny how we've both resorted to taking photos of our sketchbooks now that we don't have school scanners anymore! hah. It's good to see your life drawing too. It makes me feel like I haven't been doing it enough. Make sure to keep posting more vancouver inspired sketchbook pages! Catch ya later.
nice nice nice.
Hey Kelly,
Congrats on Moving to Vancouver. It sounds like a very beautiful and inspiring place for an artist to grow.
And of course, wonderful drawings.
hey kelly long time no chat eh. awesome drawings, as usual. dont bother to check my blog, i havent touched it since school ended.
and vancouver is sweeeet eh.
Hye I hear you started making your mark in the industry, well your crazy talented and I watch george of the jungle all the time, lol
Hullo, Hullo.
Thanks for all the kind words Guys and hav'n a gander at ye old drawing.
Johannes- where in tarnations have you been????? huh HUH??? I miss connect four man! Yes Vancouver is pretty insane, I'm start'n to get attatched to the bugg'ar.
awesome old sketches!
I really like that old man!
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